Flourish Summer Camp Overview
Flourish Summer Camp is a performing arts program for youth ages 11-15. The camp consists of a group of artists that mentor young people in the disciplines of theatre, puppetry, dance, music and voice for one week in the context of a farm. The goal of the program is to establish an intimate working climate that allows each participant to voice their unique ideas. Enrollment is kept small enough to ensure that the instructors are able to work one-on-one with the attendees.
Each participant's ideas are honored and guided through a process of creative expression, collaboration and inventive play, using spaces on the farm to take work out of the box. At the end of the week, the group of participants will debut their original performance pieces to the public.
All meals are prepared on-site, from scratch with fresh organic vegetables from the gardens at DreamAcres, along with other locally purchased ingredients.
Participants will be taking part in some of the harvest of the vegetables for their meals, and will no doubt take pride in their having a hand in the process.
Another culinary aspect of the Flourish experience worth mentioning is that Flourish attendees will likely have the opportunity to taste one of the exclusive wood-fired pizzas from the hand-built pizza oven at DreamAcres.
Rustic cabins are available for housing. Bathrooms and showers with running water are adjacent to the dining facility. All facilities are 'off-the-grid' and employ solar electricity. Participants should come prepared to experience 'simple' living. Participants are also encouraged to be considerate by using soaps and shampoos that are biodegradable.